The Pros And Cons Of Human Cloning

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Where do we stand from human cloning? Abstract: Cloning is producing a genetically identical copy of a biological body. Scientists cloned a gene, a tissue, an organ, and an organism. While cloning has been used for years, yet the debate and the ethical issues only rose after the possibility of cloning a human become a reality, not just science fiction. Scientists debated that human cloning can benefit humans, yet it can be used as a weapon. Cloning, the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning, and the ethical positions regarding the practice and the possibilities of cloning humans will be discussed in the review, Introduction: The term cloning refers to any processes that can be used to produce a genetically identical copy of a biological entity. Cloning can occur at the DNA level, at the single cell level, or at the level of a whole organism. Researchers have cloned genes, cells, tissues and even a whole living organisms, such as a sheep. Cloning started with gene cloning, the process of producing…show more content…
Humans are the only species existed that have the technology and the techniques allowing them to decide their evolutionary destiny and direct their genetic changes. (6) With the exception of identical twins, the naturally occurring clones, no two people ever share the same DNA and no two people will ever be genetically identical. This variation is related to natural selection. These variations often appear to be purposeful because they are directed by the requirements of the surrounding environment.(4,6) The genetic variations and the genetic diversity is why the human species survived and the lack of it is why many others species are extinct. While the ultimate goal of human cloning is genetically improving the human species, but it's patently false. It will eventually lead to the reduction of mankind's genetic diversity increasing the possibilities of our extinction.

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