Arguments Against Human Cloning

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Everyone knows cloning and expects as being part of our future. The image of cloning is to make same individuals. Then, cloning means to create an exact copy of organisms by taking cells from it artificially. It is very famous technology because it is often presented in the media such as news, comics and movie. Human cloning especially has had a variety discussion. Some people say human cloning should not be allowed because it will cause a lot of ethical issues such as “play God”. Others say it should be allowed because it has a positive impact on society such as people can have children. Human cloning is justifiable because it can help to have children and a ban on human cloning would raise an issue of discrimination. Also, human cloning would…show more content…
In general, humanity means the quality of human being and people has fundamentally the original characteristic, emotions, thought such as respect, kindness and angry, etc. clones can not have such a characteristic because they are different from human. There is a person who objects human cloning: Wesley J. Smith, who is an attorney for the International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, argues Human Cloning Is Unethical. A clone is different from us because the clone is designed for the characteristic and the nature. Smith argues people believe that those who have the current characteristic such as “valuing high intelligence and logical thinking” are excellent people (Smith 28). Because of this, cloned people would have this characteristic. However, Smith says “most others of their ilk almost always miss the point that smart people are not necessarily good people” (28). This means that smart people do not always have positive human personality. The reason why a smart people are not good people is that Smith argues clones do not know whether it is possible to have the abilities which are indispensable for a human being: “to love unconditionally, gentleness, empathy, the deep desire to be help and productive” (28). For example, people who have disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, ironically, are highly likely to have this abilities (Smith 28). Because of this, human cloning has negative impacts on humanity. Also, there is another person who objects human cloning: George Annas who is a chair of Department of Health Law at Boston University, argues Human Cloning Should Be Banned. Annas says that the definition of human would be changed because the technology of human cloning would be able to replicate human (183). Because of this, she says, cloned people would lose the individuation (184). Human cloning would destroy our identity and drop worth of human being because human clones are

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