Pros And Cons Of Pharming

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Pharming, also referred to as, genetic engineering and genetic transformation is a system of methods and technologies that make it possible to identify, isolate, clone and transport individual genes. Broadly, the processes come under the category of Biotechnology. In the broad sense, the term "biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms for the production of various forms of energy as well as treating diseases. Nevertheless, for a long time, biotechnology was understood, above all, precisely by microbiological processes. This is understandable. All of the above-mentioned traditional biotechnologies are associated with industrial production. Moreover, in the second half of the twentieth century, there was a large industry - the microbiological industry. In microbiological enterprises, with the help of specially selected strains of bacteria and yeasts, various pharmaceutical preparations, plant protection products, biofertilizers, various food products and raw materials are produced (Pardo et al., 2009). At the same time, methods were developed for cultivating isolated cells and plant tissues on special nutrient media. As a result, it became possible to use for breeding methods of selection and technology applied to…show more content…
First, the possible threat to the body, where some methobolic diseases, allergic diseases and the appearance of gastric microflora, carcinogenic, resistant to antibiotics, and mutagenic effects. 2. The second treat is to the environment, where the contamination of research sites, the emergence of vegetative weeds, chemical contamination, the reduction of genetic plasma, etc. 3. The third threat is Global, where the activation of critical viruses is feared to be spread in the world. It is also related to the economic security. Some scientists note the numerous potential hazards associated with products of genetic engineering. 1. Food

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