Self Confidence Conclusion

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It should be no surprise that women leaders are the fastest-growing segment of self-employed entrepreneurs. Also flexi working hours, work from home options are luring women towards entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is considered an important driver of economic development and growth in many economies. Apart from the general diversity in entrepreneurial practices, there appear to be significant differences in the characteristics of male and female entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs tend to own smaller businesses, operate with lower levels of overall capitalization, start and manage firms in different industries than men, and the growth rates of their businesses tend to be slower than that of firms owned by men. Entrepreneurial activities are…show more content…
Without Self-Confidence becoming a successful entrepreneur is nearly impossible. If a woman wants to become an entrepreneur, or she is an entrepreneur and wants to be successful, she needs to begin focusing on building confidence in herself. As shown in the table, Self Confidence is the aspect ranking fourth with weighted means as 3.97; that marks improvement in the social status. The self confidence a woman gets after working in her own venture is remarkable. She is able to face challenges of life and could identify opportunities for her progression. A total of 23 respondents have strongly agreed to it; many of them have placed it in very good status. Doing a business successfully, require making tough decisions. Set-backs occur while working on a new business.It shows that when self confidence is strengthened, it leads to far reaching impacts for the venture as well as the family thus making it a societal improvement. Women entrepreneurs are potentially more confident and perceive the existing unexploited opportunities than women who are non-entrepreneurs. Women perceive their paid jobs as a platform which enables them to move on towards their entrepreneurial activity as their future career objective. Gem report…show more content…
A woman enters into a job or a business ; in case when the husband has either no job or earns bare minimum to run a family or otherwise due to sickness or death of husband. Entrusted Responsibility has a 2nd ranking with weighted mean of 4.34. Women generally prefer either working in industry sector or enter into their own business which they can generally operate from home like providing tuitions to small school going children, opening a beauty parlour, organizing and conducting cookery and baking classes, opening fitness and yoga centers and so on. For this women do not need any financing to start their business. This is consistent with the fact that women tend to start smaller sized business that is to say that women are more likely to own businesses in service sectors like health care, education, personal or retail services where they don’t need much investment. Some may open up a boutique which may give a higher income anywhere between Rs 10000/- Rs 40,000/-. By necessity they are motivated to be entrepreneurs to improve the quality of life of their children ,to share the family economic burden and to adjust and manage household and business life successfully on their own terms

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