police as he attempted to do business with a transvestite prostitute. While the prostitute was obviously charged with prostitution, Murphy was released without charge, which meant there was no reason for the scandal not to blow over. Of course, that’s not how things work in Hollywood. The scandal and the embarrassment which came along with hit have been hanging over Murphy’s head for the past two decades and even now limit the
Hollywood’s public opinion suffered during the 1920s as a consequence of a series of scandals involving famous movie stars. Roscoe Arbuckle was accused of rape whereas Olive Thomas made a drug overdose. Moreover, the films themselves were creating further controversy. As the films did not have the right of freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment, an increasing number of motion pictures had problems with state censors. In consequence First National (the association of theatre owners which later
not be promoting Underwood to Secretary of State as he was promised by the President. Instead, President Walker firmly says that he wants Underwood to stay with the job he has now as House Majority Whip. Underwood is beyond livid as a result. The early opening quote about pain translates to this scene, thus producing a furious Frank Underwood. All the anger and frustration
an odd obsession with celebrities. People magazine, one of the most popular celebrity magazines in North America, rakes in a whopping $997 million in advertisement revenue with 46.6 million subscribers. The average Hollywood celebrity makes approximately $30 million a year (“Hollywood Salaries Revealed”) while the average schoolteacher earns an annual salary of about $45,000 ("Teacher High School Salary”). Ordinary humans have always sought out others to worship, be it a god or another human
able to tell the quick witted, character filled story that pushed social norms of what is too far. In the film there is a lot of suggestions to homosexuality, drug use, and sexual activity that is very vague and doesn’t tell too much. There is a scandal of a man drugging a woman and shooting pornographic photos of her. You know this by seeing a hidden camera, a drugged attractive female, and they referred to photographs after that. One example that is more vague is that there is a gay lover to one