1.2.4 CEO Duality and capital structure According to Brenni (2014) CEO duality describes a situation where the CEO is also the board chairperson. However, Bodaghi and Ahmadpour (2010) argued that CEO duality does not significantly influence corporate financing behavior. According to Butt and Hasan (2009) firms financing conduct is not significantly linked to CEO duality, these results were consistent with those of Heng et al. (2012) who suggested no significant association between the CEO duality
2.1 Theoretical review 2.1.1 Risk Theories and Firm Performance The R-FP nexus has been essentially considered both theoretically and empirically. The study of this nexus was borne from the work of (Berger & DeYoung, 1997) who studied the relationship between problem loans and cost efficiency of banks. Again, the focus on bank risk heightened after the financial crisis while that of firm performance is due to globalisation and competition among others. To understand the R-FP link, preceding studies
motivate employees is an important managerial skill. Content (need-based) motivation theories focus primary on individual needs, attempting to explain the factors that energize and stop persons behavior. They address the question "what factors motivate people? Examples of content theories are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory (Maslow, 1954; Myers, 1964), ERG theory (Alderfer, 1972), Herzberg's two-factor theory (Herzberg et al., 1959). Process (behavior) theories focus on the thinking process through
2.0 Agency Theory and Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is a term used to refer to the processes, policies, regulations and customs by which a corporation is directed, administered and controlled. Corporate governance has been an integral part of the business practice since the creation of corporate structure and separation of ownership from control (Aguilera & Jackson, 2010). Corporate governance specifies the responsibilities and rights of various stakeholders in the organization, e.g
company and how they interact as part of work groups. You need to be able to identify types of organizational behavior in the workplace in order to monitor the way in which your company functions. Managerial control over an organization is a critical part of organizational behavior, the type of managerial control you choose for your organization will affect how you maintain policy. If you do not allow interaction from the staff, you could be blinding yourself to important input that would allow your
been influenced by the resource based view theory for the last 20 years. This theory suggests that the specific type of diversification strategy depends on the resources and capabilities of the firm. The resource based view (RBV) provides an internal perspective that stresses the motivation firms have to maximize their provisioning of resource and capabilities for diversifying into related businesses (Wan et al, 2011). Generally, the resource based theory observes the firm from the resources point
Thus, within the discussion of employee motivation problem, self-determination theory (SDT) has offered a persuasive argument on what motivates employees. According to SDT, work effort is closely related to employee motivation. In short, employees putt effort in their job when they are motivated to do so. In contrast with self-determination
Chipunza (2009), Stovel and Bontis (2002), Ramlal (2003), Ramlal (2004) Abassi and Hollman (2000), Singhapakdi and Vitell (2007), indicate that companies has to work hard to decrease staff turnover and retain qualified employees. 3.1 Turnover theories and its causes to an organization. Stovel and Bontis (2002) define two types of staff turnover. The first type is functional turnover that includes cases when poor performers leave and good performers stay. This type may improve organizational
An empirical investigation of Big Data Analytics role in customer performance measurement INTRODUCTION The balanced scorecard is a managerial accounting tool designed to align managerial decisions with corporate strategy by focusing attention and effort on a balanced set of performance measures that are both financial and nonfinancial. Balanced scorecard information, if properly constructed, can enable managers to make decisions that fit best with firm strategy and it can encourage managers to exert
that Lockheed "discriminates against its salaried female employees by advancing male employees more quickly than equally or more qualified female employees through middle management and into upper management level positions, and discriminates in compensation to these female employees, including with respect to pay grade, annual and promotional increases, merit pay increases and bonuses.” Why should women be discriminated against? Why these stereotypes? Stereotypes If you ask women leaders in business