Importance Of Slum

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what is slum area? A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterized by substandard housing and squalor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, law enforcement and other basic services. Slum residences vary from shanty houses to professionally built dwellings that because of poor-quality construction or provision of services have deteriorated into slums. Rapid urbanization and dense slum populations compound the challenges of providing access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation conditions in these slum areas. South asia has witnessed a rapid rise in urbanization and approximately 35% of india’s population now lives in urban areas. According to the 2010 millennium development goal statistics for india, 97% of all urban residents have access to drinking water sources, but only 30% have the access to the improved sanitation services. Access to water and sanitation services in slums is generally poor and therefore waterborne diseases are prevalent in such areas. But within these slum areas also the access of water varies which is considerably more for business activities and thus affecting the ethnic community. Moreover, because the availability of water is less in…show more content…
This waste is mostly discharged in the local waterways and this water body is not cleaned very often. Another way of disposing off the waste is on the land which gradually becomes the dumpyard of the locality and is cleaned either by the members of the locality only or by the person employed by the government. But because it is not cleaned very often it becomes a breeding place for the mosquitoes making the residents of that locality vulnerable to a huge number of diseases. And reducing their productivity
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