Role Of Leadership In Leadership

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The leader must be at the service of others, always willing to help, because all his wisdom and knowledge was given to improve the quality of life of others. A true leader does not benefit the power that others give, understand that is temporary and not get dizzy with him, dispenses and uses it for the sake of serving; many believe that when they occupy a position that gives him some power over others, they acquire certain importance, transforming them into powerful beings incapable of being achieved by ordinary living beings. The leader is born and not made, what people can achieve are levels of leadership. History has always been written by a few, are the leaders who have transformed the world either for good or ill, who have created values,…show more content…
In short, it has failed the leader-follower relationship. Historically, leaders have controlled more organised; they have been administered to repression, instead of the expression; they have kept their followers in a stalemate more than an evolution, in other words, have dedicated themselves to manage rather than directing. The new leader of a healthcare organisation does not have much time to settle into their position. To become effective in such a short time, its leadership role should be tailored to the mission and values of the institution. Leaders must rely on two things: the quality of the members of the healthcare organisation and the new demands placed on them. The latter can be determined by analysing the perception or a combination thereof; that depends on their method. The "leader traits", the "leadership characteristics", or as they call them, simply do not exist. Of course, some people are better leaders than others, although generally people mean skills, perhaps impossible to teach, but most of them can learn. It is true that some are truly unable to learn, perhaps because they do not give importance or because they prefer to be subordinated to others (Stempniak,…show more content…
As for other rural health experts, they are isolated from professional and peers support and in their case it can impact the entire service and its professional team as the leading role the leader performs in making the environment in which others perform. Leaders in smaller communities should obtain the trust of the community themselves, while in major centres there is an executive team to share the pressure and support look after the social interface. As for other experts, their work in a smaller society can be something of a ‘goldfish bowl’ existence. Face-to-face systems, teleconferencing, and the implementation of a buddy method can encourage rural health leaders in managing this issue (Stempniak, 2016). There are constructive elements of being a rural leader, like the immediacy of social support and the reflectivity of the role. Life in the country itself is the best reward for different people and something that is quite unbearable to imitate in the big cities. The internet has supported to fill some of the information and communication gaps that applied to exist. Rural leaders working their way up the ladder need well-honed abilities in social consultation, managing social forums and relationships with the media. A well-informed staff and community are expected to encourage new approaches, particularly if the decision making procedures are inclusive and transparent.

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