Root Canal Case Study

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Microflora reduction or elimination, during root canal treatment can be achieved by both chemomechanical preparation and intra-canal dressings.1 Although it seems unreasonable to place particular emphasis on any endodontic procedure, chemomechanical preparation may be considered an essential step in root canal disinfection.2 The removal of irritants from the root canal is conducted by means of the mechanical action of instruments and the flow and backflow of the irrigating solution.3 In addition, antibacterial irrigants may significantly help to eliminate bacterial cells from the root canal system.4 With the aim of improving the root dentin cleanness and disinfection, Torabinejad et al developed a new solution, the so-called…show more content…
“t” value “p” value Significance 1VS2 4.22 ˂.001 Sig 1VS3 1.94 0.0 NS 1VS4 34.71 ˂.001 Sig 2VS3 2.27 0.0 NS 2VS4 38.93 ˂.001 Sig 3VS4 36.66 ˂.001 Sig Biopure MTAD=1, Metronidazole=2, Aztreonam=3, Normal Saline=4 There was significance difference between each group, except between Biopure MTAD and Aztreonam also between Metronidazole and Aztreonam. Zone of inhibition against B.fragilis was shown maximum by Metronidazole, followed by Aztreonam, then by Biopure MTAD and minimum for Normal saline. RESULT- Metronidazole > Aztreonam > Biopure MTAD > Normal Saline. PROPIONIBACTERIUM ACNES ( GROUP 2) Table 2(A): Values of zone of inhibition and effect of tested irrigants against Propionibacterium acnes (Group 2) S.NO Irrigants Mean ± SD Effect 1 Biopure MTAD 26.00±0.82 S 2 Metronidazole 29.25±1.82 S 3 Aztreonam 0.0±0.0 R 4 Normal Saline 0.0±0.0 R ANOVA F=307.37 , p˂.001 (significant) There is significant difference in mean zone of inhibition size for tested irrigants. Table 2(B): Intergroup comparison of mean zone of inhibition size of tested irrigants against Propionibacterium

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