Persuasive Speech On Homework

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I passed out some results from the survey 24 Deerfield High School students took. As we can see students are excessive amounts of homework. Almost all students who were surveyed answered they are experiencing mental and physical pain like sleep depervation and are giving up important family time for homework. B. Why audience should care: Children and teens, like you, are losing experiences because students are spending too much of their 13+ years of school worrying about schoolwork and trying to fit in all their out of school activities in the afternoon. In Encounter, Chris Ellsasser, an English teacher, wrote an article called, Do the Math, in 2007. He interviewed an student, Maisha, and learned about her schedule as a varsity volleyball…show more content…
In Encounter, Etta Kralovec wrote an article called, New Thinking About Homework, in 2007. She wrote about homework’s history and the continuing debate. Between 1930 and 1980, the fight between doing homework and not doing homework switch multiple times. The changes were caused by psychologists, people’s philosophies and events in history. The most recent change was in 1983 when the “No Child Left Behind” idea made homework spread across the states, in effort to better the education system (Kralovec). Homework has reminaded the same since 1983 when the last switch over to homework…show more content…
My mom had to remind me multiple times to focus on one thing a time. This is a familiar story to many students who struggle with problems caused by homework loads. Amanda Enayati, an author, wrote the article, Is Homework Making your Child Sick?, for CNN in 2014, which included research from Denise Pope that surveyed more than 4,300 students. The survey found that excessive homework gave students high stress levels, hurt their overall health and negatively affect a student’s balance (Enayati). Homework amount would need to become more efficient to allow the student to focus on all aspects of their life. D. How big of a problem (Severity and/or number) Valerie Strauss also included the same study from Denise Pope in her article, Homework Hurts High-Achieving Students, in 2014. The research found, that 68% of students said homework kept them from getting enough sleep at night (Strauss). Students are exchaing their time to sleep to finsih their homework in order to obtain better grades.This is mentally and physically exhasting for students because a teen needs a recommended 9 hours of sleep, but instead teens are only getting 5-6 hours of sleep. III. Solution: MO AND CARLYN A. Solution (One solution); new law, change in law, etc. - Time limit, every year 10 min added on, “space

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