Root Canal Therapy Case Study

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In endodontic practice, the success of root canal therapy mainly depends on the elimination of pathologic microorganisms and their byproducts followed by three dimensional obturation of the root canal space.To achive this challenging task, a biologically acceptable solid or semi solid obturating material in conjuction with root canal sealers is advocated in endodontic literatures. Guttapercha is the most widely used core material for obturation till date. Its property of inertness ,plasticity and solvent solubility have made it an ideal candidate for root canal filling. However it has a major disadvantage of not adhering to dentinal walls of the root canal space. This neccessiates the use of endodontic sealer mandatory18,26.…show more content…
Dentin moisture conditions have profound influence on its penetration. In the case of zinc oxide eugenol sealer , its penetration was profoundly influenced by the filling technique 25 .Bioceramic sealers sets in the presence of dentinal tubule fluid.It was also found that Bioceramic sealer had better adaptation to dentin walls. They produce non resorbable hydroxyapatite during setting reaction forming a chemical bond with dentin walls.This may be the cause for the better adaptation and penetration of bioceramic sealer over zinc oxide eugenol and AH plus…show more content…
The densities of the sealers were determined before measuring surface tension. The sealers were mixed according to the manufacturers instructions and dispensed in micropippete to form a pendent drop and the surface tension was determined using goniometer. Preparation and grouping of the sample for measurement of sealer penetration 36extracted human mandibular premolar for orthodontic purpose were collected and were used in this study .The working length was determined and chemomechanical preparation done using k file to apical size 30. Between each instrument , the canal was irrigated with 5ml of 3%NaOCl .At the end of the preparation, the canal was irrigated with 5ml of 3%sodium hypochlorite followed by 5ml of 17%EDTA solution and as a final rinse ,5ml of 2%chlorhexidine solution was used.Then the canals were dried with sterile paper points ,taper 0.02 .the samples were to be divided into 3 groups (12 samples per group) based on the sealers used and was obutrated with sealers and gutta percha cones using lateral condensation technique .All the sealers were mixed individualy with rhodamineB dye before obturation to facilitate evaluation of sealer depth under confocal laser scanning microscope.The sealers were

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