Essay On Water Scarcity In Yemen

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INTRODUCTION Yemen, a country situated in the semi-dry part of the Middle East is facing a very serious water crisis. This crisis is mainly due to the ongoing and fast growth of the population, unwise agricultural development, qat cultivation and the absence of regulatory rules on the use of water. AIM OF THE ESSAY The main objective of the present essay is to investigate and have a thorough look at the water situation in Yemen, background, causes, facts and present some possible solutions. Coming from Yemen myself and witnessing the situation, I felt an urge to investigate and gain a broad understanding of the water situation in my country, and try to end up with a conclusion on how the situation can be address to permanently resolve the existing water scarcity issue. In this essay, I have opted for Qat as one of the main causes of water scarcity in Yemen. Throughout my research, I relied on very basic questions such as “what is qat?”, “is water misused in Yemen?”, “How does Qat have an impact on water?”, “How can the situation be addressed?” and this builds up to the…show more content…
This is normally when demand exceeds a regions ability to provide the water required by the population to fulfill their daily needs. It is usually the arid and semi-arid regions of the world that are associated with physical water scarcity since water is very scarce and there is a lot of struggle to get access to fresh water.(guiness) • Economic water scarcity: exists when a country faces financial constrains i.e., a population does not have the basic monetary means to utilize an adequate source of water. The unequal distribution of resources is central to economic water scarcity where the heart of the problem is lack of funds for investment. This occurs as a result of a number of reasons, including butn not limited to political and ethical conflict.

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