Roles Of ICT In Education

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Teachers in this modern age are faced with the challenge to meet the expectations of their technologically-minded learners in the provisions of education. Traditional teaching is criticised for its focus on teaching, whereby students are passive recipients of knowledge, rather than learning (Ackoff and Greenberg, 2008). Successful teaching involves a verity of strategies and techniques for engaging, motivating and energising students over and above merely presenting them with-designed learning materials (Britain, 2004). Ackoff and Greenberg (2008) believe that without motivation, no amount of teaching can produce learning. However, motivation is intrinsic and not extrinsic; hence it cannot…show more content…
But research also indicates that success in using ICT in education depends on teachers’ skills in integrating ICT into pedagogy and in utilizing ICT to provide learner centred interactive education. The lecturers’ role is an important factor in the design of online learning environment in that various roles can be supported. Consequently, It is belief that the study would reveal the state of the use of e-learning tools in instructional delivery of lectures by the lecturers as well as measuring the achievement of the university with regards to the statement made in its corporate strategies to integrate e-learning as a means of instructional delivery. It is expected that the outcome of this study would provide a basis for identifying any areas of lack or improvement in the use of e-learning tools by the lecturer of every higher institutions. However the value of e-learning…show more content…
• Better integration for non-full-time students, particularly in continuing education. • Improved interactions between students and instructors. • Provisions of tools to enable students to independently solve problems. • No age-based restrictions on difficulty level, i.e. students can go at their own pace. • Is cost effective. • Helps students to develop self discipline. 1.5 Scope of the Project Work The design and implementation aspect in this research work is delimited to a manageable scope where the e-learning platform is to be designed for the University of Uyo, and within the scope of faculty of engineering in which the department of computer engineering will be used in implementing this project. As a result of this, the following utilities tools were worked with and used in implementing a full featured e-learning platform; - Blackboard course site. - Collaboration and

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