ICT In Computer Education

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BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is another aspect of Computer Education which has contributed to the transformation of our society, the Prevalence and rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has transformed human society into Information Technology age (Galbreath, 2000) in Onasanya (2009). Aduwa-Ogiegbaen and Iyamu (2005) establish that the role of technology in teaching and learning is swiftly becoming one of the most imperative and extensively discussed issues in modern education policy. Information and Communication Technology as tools within the school environment include use for school administration and management, teaching and learning of ICT related skills for enhancing…show more content…
Ajayi (2008) posited that with the aid of ICT, teachers can take students beyond conventional limits, ensure their adequate participation in teaching and learning process and create vital environments to experiment and explore. However, the application of ICT needs expensive hardware and software which become the big obligations for schools and parents. It is also necessary that both teachers and learners should have basic technology knowledge before they apply ICT. This new development is a strong indication that the era of teachers without ICT skills are gone. Unfortunately, most teachers today do not have technological training to guide their students in the use of computers to enhance their learning…show more content…
The integration of ICT to education empowers learners, teachers, educators, managers and leaders to use ICT judiciously and effectively for expanding learning opportunities and ensuring educational quality and relevance (MoEVT, 2007). The use of ICT in education is the bedrock of knowledge that would enable any country to contribute both to achieving Education for All (EFA) goals and reducing the digital divide world towards the aim of

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