China Hotel Industry

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Jay Kandampully and Dwi Suhartanto (2000)21 conducted a research study on the dealer loyalty in the hotel industry. The objective is to identify factors of image and dealer satisfaction, which are positively related to dealer loyalty in the hotel industry. The research helps extend the understanding the relationship between dealer loyalty, dealer satisfaction, and image. The study identifies that competition has three major implications for the dealer, which provides: increased choice; greater value for money; and augmented levels of service. The authors argue that hotels that attempt to improve their market share by discounting price, however, run the serious risk of having a negative impact on the hotel’s medium and long-term profitability.…show more content…
The sample contained 90 hotel managers and 270 international tourists, stayed at various hotels inBeijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The study was conducted with the following objectives: 1) To assess the current expectations and perceptions held by international tourists with respect to the quality of services and products provided by the hotel industry in China; 2) To assess the current expectations and perceptions held by hotel managers in China with respect to quality of hotel service and products provided; and 3) To identify any gap between the perceptions of tourists and hotel managers, with respect to the quality of hotel service and products provided. The study advocates: “The gaps between tourists and hotel management could be bridged; there is room for service quality improvement in the hotel industry in China; managers are too self-assured and somewhat oblivious to their failings in delivering what tourists expect; and therefore, the necessary first step in improving the service quality is for managers in the hotel industry in China to acquire accurate information about the driving…show more content…
Specifically, a study utilizing a sample of international private banking dealer is conducted where in service quality is operational zed via two distinct and well – know, measures – SERVQUAL and Technical Functional Quality. There two same quality measures are subsequently compared and contracted as to their ability to product dealer satisfaction. To surface assess the validity of these findings two moderators of the service quality / dealer satisfaction relationship are introduced and evaluated. The findings are a importance to service managers as the strive to identify efficient and effective

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