Use Of ICT In Education

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TEACHERS ATTITUDE TOWARDS USE OF ICT IN TECHNICAL AND NON-TECHNICAL INSTITUTES Dr. Sameena FARRUKH Training Professional, Department of Education and Research, NITTTR, Bhopal. Assist. Professor. Dr.Shireesh PAL SINGH Center for Education, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab.151001 ABSTRACT In this study the group of teachers working in technical colleges and non-technical colleges both are selected to find out their attitudes towards use of ICT as their instructional resources in classrooms. As it…show more content…
Effectively integrating ICT into teaching learning process is much more complicated than providing computers and securing a connection to the Internet. In fact, the integration of ICT is associated with a shift from instructive to constructivist philosophies of teaching and so, technology integration takes time to learn about the innovation, time to be adequately prepared to use it. In this respect, principals play an important role in applying different strategies such as change agent, lifelong learner, principal supporter, and resource provider to implement ICT in technical institute. Thus, researcher should be able to identify and articulate a vision, provide an appropriate model, provide individualized support, simulate intellectual stimulation, foster acceptance of group goals, and achieve high performance expectations. They should have knowledge, skills and positive attitudes toward the implementation of ICT in institutes. In this way, they can create changes in their institutes by focusing on action and by converting their teachers to be leaders who will eventually become agents of change. Therefore, teachers can play a role as a leader when they are committed to a cause and are self managing .An examination of past research studies and reports on ICT implementation in institutes show that there are two main factors that affect teachers’ uptake of ICT. These are manipulative and non-manipulative institute and teacher factors. Research on the implementation of ICT in institutes has also shown that these institute and teacher factors are interrelated. The success of the implementation of ICT is not dependent of the availability or absence of one individual factor, but is determined through a dynamic process involving a set of interrelated factors. Moreover, no single solution exists to address the immense challenges of ICT integration because different perspectives of
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