Roles Of Hotel Management

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Kirsty Herron Introduction: The hospitality and tourism industry has many different concepts that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to businesses or organisations rules and regulations. These concepts are there for the interest of the employees so that they have a stress free and pleasant environment to work in the workplace. Task One: Staff Organisations. Question One: Describe a structure of a hospitality and tourism organisation. Distinguish the different roles and responsibilities of a supervisor from a manager. Explain how to plan a staff rota. A staffing structure is a method that is used in order to distinguish who the supervisors are. The supervisors are those that make…show more content…
The supervisor is the one whom reports to the manager about any sort of challenges and options within the organisation. They are there to monitor and assess the performance of each employee directly. Supervisors are authorised to hire, promote, discipline and rewarding employees. Where as a manager is there to plan and direct the work of a group of individuals, which are the employees. Managers are also there to take the corrective action for challenges that may occur within the organisation. When it comes to the roles and responsibilities of a manager, as well as the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor, there are quite a few of them for both managers and supervisors. A manager’s roles and responsibilities involve communicating targets; goals and result to people that are employed by them, to motivate employees when it comes to different challenges within an organisation, and lastly, create and monitor employees as well as ensuring that budgets are achieved. A supervisor’s role and responsibilities involve maintaining a safe, secure and productive environment for employees, as well as treating all of the employees…show more content…
They are formally known as intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation can be described as a type of motivation where you, as an individual, motivate yourself into working for your well-being, which in the end, builds your self-esteem within the workplace. Extrinsic motivation can be described as a type of motivation where on is motivated by the employer in the workplace or by family members and friends. To conclude, both types of the motivation can be considered an excellent method for productivity to increase. When it comes to the characteristics of an effective leader within any organisation: this involves the qualities and the responsibilities of an effective leader. Leadership can be described as the ability of a superior, within an organisation, to influence the employees in a positive and productive manner, when it comes to different types of challenges within the organisation. Back to the characteristics of an effective leader within an organisation. The first characteristic of an effective leader is the qualities of an effective leader. There are eight different qualities that an effective leader should possess, when it comes to controlling employees in a positive and friendly manner. These qualities are: 1) Effective communicator 2) Trustworthy 3) Ability to see the past, present and

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