Pyle's Naivety And Innocence

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Throughout the novel, Pyle (representing America) is referred to as “innocent”. Greene portrays him such a naive character who does everything just to have a positive influence on the country of Vietnam as well as Phuong. He causes great trouble and harm because he thinks he is helping the Vietnamese people. Reshetova (2003) acknowledges that Pyle’s naivety and innocence trick him into thinking that he is doing the right thing and make him even work with General Thé to form a democratic Vietnam. Frankly, he doesn't know how to do things any better. He thinks of himself as courageous young man who enters the scene like a hero to save the world. Nevertheless, this is not quite true as he does not understand the consequences he is doing with his sloppy actions. For example,…show more content…
For example, in order for Phuong to be safe, he wants to take her to America. This proves the fact that he idolizes her beauty and does not value her identity and Vietnamese culture. The American way of life is - in his mind - the only way of life and he is full of idealism about the mission of democracy. Due to his innocence, naivety, and narrow-mind, Pyle does not know any better and he claims to be doing what is best for her. In fact, he claims it is “what the United States was doing for the world” (Greene, 1955, p.12) as a “Third Force” - an idea derived from his literary hero: York Harding. His blind fight for democracy was the reason why Fowler had to make the decision to put an end to his life, therefore putting an end to the harm he was causing. Brilliant Fowler Pyle Fowler's age is a part of how he represents the European world view. England is a much older country than America which has allowed him more experience regarding war and colonialism. Although he is in his fifties, he represents the modern man. Having obtained wisdom from the world, he is a very worldly

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