Waste Management Case Study

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CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will discuss regarding the method that have been used in order to find a data to become information in the study. Basically this chapter will stress on how to find information of the study base on two major sources of information which is from primary data and secondary data. 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN The best approaches to gather data directly for this study is through qualitative research which is by interviewing the selected hotel. Qualitative research is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture (Creswell, 1994). This types of research can obtain the information through in-depth insight…show more content…
This section consists of eight (8) question. Firstly, the question will be determining hotel employee’s awareness about Environmental Management System (EMS) especially waste management at their hotel. This question is important in order to know whether they familiar with the concept of EMS and they need to explain their understanding about that. Secondly, the question will be asked whether the hotel currently had an environmental policy. The respondents need to explain about the policy related with the environment protection. The respondents need to explain the reason why the hotel is implement the environment policy. Third, the question will be asked the respondents to identify the waste management program or activity that have been implemented in their hotel regarding to company policy. The respondents need to explain about any program that have been done at their hotel regarding this issues. The respondents need to explain type, when, and how about the program. Fourth, the question also will be asked about the benefits that associated with the implementation EMS especially waste management. The respondents need to briefly explain about the strengths of waste management program at the hotel. The respondent’s perception about this is very important. Fifth, the question will be asked the barriers that associated with the implementation of EMS especially waste management. It is also important to know the…show more content…
Primary data can be explained as information collected from sources such as personal interviews, questionnaires or surveys with a specific intention and on a specific subject. This is means that the researcher need to observe and assessed the information by himself. It is known as a direct approach. While, secondary data is information that is already available such as journals, on the internet, or in a company’s records. In this study, the primary data obtain from hotel that practicing Environmental Management Systems especially waste management. The data collection method used is in-depth interview. A set of question will be formulated in advance and additional questions will be sked as the interviews were conducted. An answer will be respond verbally and the interview section will be audio recording as reference. The audio recording is useful to avoid distorting respondent answers and hence introducing error. Therefore, the use of semi-structured interviews was appropriate for this study because it is flexibility allowed topics to be explored as

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