Swot Analysis Of Hotel

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Mission: We are a superlative hotel that provide its guests, partners and stakeholders with excellent hospitability and an unforgettable experience. Reason: The reason for having a mission statement is that it communicates to the employees of the organization a shared understanding of organizational purpose and reason for operating. This give employees a clearer direction as to where the company is heading towards. In this case, the company is seeking to delight and satisfy the guests, partners and stakeholders through exceptional service provided by hotel employees. Vision: To be a preeminent and world renowned hotel known for its unique floral environment by 2027. Reason: The reason for a vision statement communicates to the employees…show more content…
Middle managers would implement the policies given by top management to promote the name of the hotel through mass media. The sales and marketing departments can promote or advertise the hotel through websites and blogs to reach a wider audience.Moreover, our hotel can also tie up with business partners such as credit card companies and tour agencies. Goal 3: To open another branch in the capital of Malaysia in the next 7 years. Reason: Kuala Lumpur is at the heart of Malaysia. The state is bustling with people and shops, truly making it a tourist destination which is ideal for the hotel. Hotel expansion is beneficial for our hotel as it increases the popularity, profit margin, customer base and financing opportunities. How to achieve it? Top management would collaborate with investors, shareholders and Malaysian government agencies ( Companies Commission of Malaysia, Royal Malaysian Customs, Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia ,etc.) Next, the top management would do a decision making model to decide on the location of the hotel in Malaysia. When all these procedures are successfully completed, the hotel will then be ready for…show more content…
The misuse of alcohol includes • Consumption of alcohol while on duty. • Buying, selling, advertising alcohol in the premise of the hotel. • Reporting for work despite being impaired by alcohol/under the influence of alcohol. Reasons: This rule ensures that the hotel is safe for both employees and hotel guest. A safe environment for employees to work in is crucial for the productivity and efficiency of a company such that the day to day running of the business will not be jeopardized. Rule 3->When a hotel employee is on duty, he/she should not chit-chat/gossip/talk with their fellow colleagues. Instead they should be on a lookout for the well-being of hotel guest and assist them when required. Reason: Frequent chitchatting can be very distracting for employees to concentrate on their work hence, leading to an unproductive workforce. Moreover, this rule ensures that all hotel guests will be well taken care of in the hotel. All counter staff or bellboys should pay special attention to this rule as they would meet hotel guests on a regular basis throughout their

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