SERVQAL Model: Gap In Employee Perception

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5.1 The conclusion which shows findings Among five gaps in SERVQAL model, Gap 1 and gap 5 can be concluded based on calculation of chapter 4. Gap 1: Gap between customer expectation and management perception As seen in table 4.17, the negative sign of the score at the dimension of reliability and responsiveness show between the provided services, perceptions, and expectations of the management, there is significant difference in related dimension. The distribution of the results represents the Gap 1 of SERVQUAL. Gap 1 contrasts the way that managers from KMA hotels and guests of KMA hotels perceive guest expectations. The widest gaps exist in the features of tangibles and empathy, with the negative gap in reliability. Guests regard tangibles…show more content…
As a result, key elements from TQM, Six Sigma and other quality-based frameworks might be appropriate in helping hotels to achieve this.  Top management should review the current employee training programs and develop new efficient and effective methods that could empower employees to make excellent decisions when dealing with customer satisfaction.  Front line employees of KMA hotels should give a good impression of the hotel by demonstrating a friendly and willingness to assist, smart and tidiness appearance thus making first impressions to last in guests’ memories.  Employees of KMA hotels should be equipped with the good working conditions and correct tools and equipment in order to deliver an excellent service.  Quality frameworks can be useful mechanism in achieving the cultural change necessary for a TQM strategy in the hotel industry. Such frameworks can complement and encompass pre-existing approaches. With appropriate adaptation and simplification, they could be used at an operational level within all grades and sizes of…show more content…
Further study should be undertaken to apply the results of this study. First, research could be broadened to include other hotels, resorts, and inns under KMA group of hotels. Second, it would be valuable to conduct further research concerning customer attitudes towards the quality of other service businesses such as banks, shipping service, travel agencies and airlines under KMA group. Further research in these areas would contribute to overall improvement of service standards throughout business under KMA

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