Role Of Ict In Economic Growth

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ICT and Economic Growth-An Indian perspective Abstract: ICT deals with how digital information passes between the devices. The most common example that can be cited is the Internet, a worldwide network of computers linked together by guided or unguided media. There are however, other examples, like mobile phones, interactive televisions and personal organizers. It is a cross cutting theme because of the recognition by the European Commission that ICT has the potential to have a major impact on the prosperity of Merseyside. When ICT is applied to business, it can lower Costs, raise productivity and improve customer and supplier relationship. Among public services, it engages people with services more effectively and in communities links people to economic opportunity and brings together those with common agenda. This paper discusses how ICT can boost economic growth. Keywords: ICT, Economic Growth, MOIT, GDP. Introduction:…show more content…
There is no universally accepted definition of ICT because the concepts, methodologies and applications involved are constantly evolving at a rapid pace so much so that it is difficult to keep up with these changes. ICT covers products that store, retrieve, and manipulate information electronically in a digital form which includes products like personal computers, digital television, mobile phones, PDAs and robots. More importantly, it is also concerned with the way these different uses work together. Therefore, ICT has revolutionized the way we live, think, and perform, and even helps in realizing the vision of good

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