Sustainable Development In Malaysia

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I) Introduction “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” said Gro Harlem Brundtland. The essay “How can SMEs respond to the challenges of responsibility and sustainability in a way that might lead to sustainable future of capital city of your country of origin” aims at providing arguments regarding one of the South East Asian countries, Malaysia’s capital city-Kuala Lumpur. According to the essay, …The essay introduces… II) Discussion The definition of SMEs in Malaysia are solely based on a settled quantitative measure; for example, the total numbers of workers and the business sales turnover. (citation). In Malaysia, 97 percent of the total business establishments are SMEs. SMEs are a vital component of the country’s economic potential because nearly 18% of Malaysia exports, nearly 36% of the country’s GDP and 65% of the country’s employment are generated by SMEs. (citation) Stated by chief executive of SME Corporation Malaysia Dato’ Hafsah Hashim, the developing numbers of SMEs are essential since they help to form the pillar of Malaysia’s economy as Malaysia embarks on the journey towards achieving Vision 2020-a vision that was presented by former Prime Minister of…show more content…
(citation) Malaysia’s wealth of natural resources (such as oil, petroleum, palm oil etc) has been indispensable to its economic growth, but this growth has come at significant human and environmental cost. Two combative issues that were specified for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are palm oil production and illegal logging where Malaysia has drawn overwhelming feedback for weak environmental regulation, human right violations and poor development planning.

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