Role Of Gender Inequality

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Social inequality Present at least two different sociological approaches to social inequality and discuss these approaches with reference to a concrete problem area of contemporary relevance. The science behind sociology is always moving, but it is especially in the field of gender studies you can see a drastic movement. Throughout the last decade or two, the feminist movement have grown all over the world and gained support not only in the sociologist world but also in everyday society. This is explained by the obvious inequality there has been, and still is, between genders. Throughout history men has oppressed women and minorities and it is still a pressing matter in today’s society, a reproduction of social inequality. Not only is it…show more content…
The idea of a system reproducing inequality does not only apply to education, as used as an example, but also gender (Meuleman et al., 2015; McLeod 2005). Throughout generations inequality between genders have been reproduced and keeping them in their stereotyped roles. Although it may seem easy to apply habitus and field to the understanding of gender oppression, feminist theorists has criticized the method as not being applicant to gender when it was originally to explain the forms of capital, structures of class variations and hierarchies of dissimilarities. (McLeod, 2005). Even with a recently reexamination by Bourdieu, feminists theorists could not see new addition to the field of habitus and gender. Granting that habitus and field are helpful tools for understanding patterns and continuity, it could very likely not be successful in explaining the different inequalities and struggles through history. The problem is that establishing habitus nature through various historical events is hard and that interferes with the understanding of habitus and gender (Arnot, 2002). Nonetheless, it is possible for feminists to engage with Bourdieu and theorizing the relationship between gender, habitus and social field (McLeod, 2005). Seeing how theorist such as Bourdieu review his own theories in context to…show more content…
Up to the 1960s, it was common thinking to understand gender as a two-way street. Either you were male or female, “Gender is the amount of masculinity or femininity found in a person, and obviously, while there are mixtures of both in many humans, the normal male has a preponderance of masculinity and the normal female a preponderance of femininity” (Stoller 1984). However, it was also Stoller who introduced using the term ‘sex’ as to refer to biological traits and ‘gender’ for the amount of femininity and masculinity found in a person (Mikkola, 2008). This separation of sex and gender did not only help Stoller, but also feminists because it allowed them to argue that the various differences between men and women were produced by society and therefore

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