How Do Gender Roles Affect The Men's Movement?

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In addition to studying women’s movements, it is important to look at the men’s movement to truly understand how women and gender roles fit into society. The three basic strands within the men’s movement are the profeminists, the mythopoetic movement, and the religiously oriented approach. Profeminists want to eliminate gender stereotypes, gender inequalities, and gender-related violence. They believe that gender roles hurt both men and women by constricting lives and limiting potential. The largest organization of profeminists is the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM). The mythopoetic movement consists of men who focus on the way that gender roles affect men primarily. They believe that men should use myths, storytelling, and poetry to work through the issues that gender roles create for them. They also believe that profeminists focus too much on the way that gender roles affect women instead of working on their own issues. The majority of the mythopoetic movement are relatively wealthy, middle-aged, heterosexual men.…show more content…
They believe that women should merely bow down and accept the role as follower. They generally believe in limiting the rights of women because women were created for men by God. They sometimes encourage men to take on more nurturing roles with their children or other positive messages for men in addition. The largest group of a religious oriented approach is the Promise Keepers. They are very active in Kansas City, Dallas, Colorado Springs, and Atlanta in the United States. They are also active in Canada and New

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