How Did Imperialism Affect The World

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Historical globalization was influenced by exploration when the world began getting ‘smaller’ as a result of colony building. The transfer and exchange of distinct of goods, ideas, sciences, medicine, literature, theories, and technology dramatically changed the world. Nationalism, economic competition, missionary spirit, and exploration led to imperialism; the policy of extending control and domination over another countries economic and cultural institutions during 1850-1914. The demand for raw materials and new markets spurred a search for colonies. European nations competed for colonies and traded to gain power and believed in eurocentrism and ethnocentrism. Imperialism influenced the increase in trade, sources for raw materials, secure military advantages, share of religious and cultural beliefs, increased prestige, industrialization and a market for manufactured products. Which eventually led to capitalism; an economic system for increasing individual prosperity. Capitalism requires free manner, freedom of choice, a free market economy; an economic system where producers and consumers make the…show more content…
Australia is a major agricultural producer and exporter, with over 325 000 people employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing. 61% of Australia's land mass is used for agriculture. Australian farmers produce almost 93% of Australian daily raw food supply, exporting more than they import, this is known as mercantilism. Australia's agriculture a very sophisticated and highly technical industry. It is one of their most innovative and efficient industries. Australian farmers have remained competitive in the global food market despite Australia having low levels of subsidies compared to their major competitors. Having agricultural industries will provide jobs for farmers, fishers, soil scientists, agricultural engineers, biologist, forsters and many

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