Gender And Gender Stereotypes

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Gender Stereotypes As early as two years old girls and boys learn gender stereotypes and begin to learn gender roles by the age of five (Best & DeLone, 2015; Lemus, Montanes, Megias & Moya, 2015). For example, women are expected to be emotional and sentimental while men are expected to be strong and aggressive (Best & DeLone, 2015). Traditional gender roles in society imply how women and men should act in regards to relationships and occupations (Makarova & Herzong, 2015). Within the United States, it is still common that the women are responsible for taking care of the household and children, while the man is the main breadwinner (Best & DeLone, 2015). Gender identity and the stereotypes also play a large role when students are deciding what…show more content…
(Bamberger, 2014) The work by Burgess and Borgida (1999) discusses the theory of descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotypes and their implications on discrimination against women. A descriptive gender stereotype is a belief or characteristic of what women do possess and a prescriptive gender stereotype is a belief or characteristic that women should possess. The construction of descriptive stereotypes is expected to lead to workplace discrimination and the inability to fit into traditionally male occupations (Burgess & Borgida, 1999). The discrimination caused by descriptive stereotypes does not have any explicit hostility towards women, however, it is caused by the mismatch of female stereotypes and male occupations. The construction of prescriptive gender stereotypes suggested that women and men should behave and occupied distinctly different roles in society. The discrimination faced with prescriptive gender stereotypes pushes women to fulfill the traditional role of a mother and wife and those who adhere to traditional gender roles are more favored. Both descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotypes impact what is acceptable in society and influence who young women perceive as positive role…show more content…
This creates a lack of female role models for students and impacts the career and major choice of female students. With a lack of female role models, female students learn and internalize gender stereotypes about what career or major they should be going into as women, which is particularly impactful within the STEM discipline (Burgess & Borgida, 1999; Young et al., 2013; McPherson et al., 2018). Female students are able to better identify with female role models, which can have positive impacts on female students such as providing psychological support, career-development support, create a more welcoming environment and increase their interest in the STEM discipline (Durbin and Tomlinson, 2014; Gibson, 2003; Hall & Sandler, 1982; Nixon & Robinson, 1999). However, not only by increasing the number of female role models will gender inequality be changed but ensuring these role models are positive and well represented (Bamberger, 2014; Clark Blickenstaff, 2005; Gibson, 2003; Morrison et al.,

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