Xylene Case Study

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Xylene is an ingredient that is most dominant in spray painting in the automotive industry. When the paint is sprayed, the worker will be exposed not only by the steam, but also very convenient aerosol inhaled by workers, especially if not wearing a mask and appropriate work clothes. Xylene levels in the blood reach the top depends routes of exposure, ie oral, inhalation or through the skin. However, exposure to xylene is a major route through the respiratory system. Toksikodinamika xylene in the body depicted in how xylene cause toxic effects on the target organs. Liposulibilitas properties (lipophilic) xylene to the nerve cell membrane can interfere with the activity of proteins that play an important role in normal neuronal function. In…show more content…
This area is the center of car painting services and weld the largest squat in Surabaya. This study aims to analyze the relationship between exposure to xylene in the air to levels of xylene in blood and neurological complaints on car painting workers in Jalan Surabaya identifier. This study was designed as an observational study conducted cross sectional. Of the population in this study is 93 people. The number of samples obtained by using stratified random sampling technique were 51 people who worked as a painter. The dependent variable in this study is a neurological complaint, while the independent variable is worker characteristics (age, exercise habits, the habit of using personal protective equipment, smoking), xylene levels in the blood, and occupational factors (employment, long parts and…show more content…
It can be seen from the probability is smaller than 0:05. Correlation test for age (p = 0.000; r = 0.697) showed an association between age and neurological complaints on workers. Habitual use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks (p = 0.000; r = 0.695) showed an association between habitual use of personal protective equipment such as masks with neurological complaints on workers. Smoking habits (p = 0.016; r = 0.335) showed an association between smoking and neurological complaints on workers. Exercise habits (p = 0.170; r = -0.195) showed no association between exercise habits with neurologic complaints on workers. Blood xylene levels (p = 0.000, r = 0.711) showed an association between blood xylene levels with neurological complaints on

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