Role Of Education In Education

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Issues and Challenges in Education Sector-Role of Private Institutions Dr.N.P.Hariharan Siva gurunathan.S Abstract: Modern education is costly, diversified and varies on benefits for the society and the individual. The modern times have witnessed increase in the number of private unaided educational institutions. The private unaided schools market education by providing attractive add-ons and in the process make huge profits. The numbers of private unaided engineering colleges have been on the raise. Unlike the schools, employability determines the popularity of the colleges. Many engineering colleges have low credibility and hence face closer. Government…show more content…
At the time India had 30 government aided universities, 370 aided colleges [2] and 230,683 schools [3]. Between 1951 and 1991, the Indian economy has undergone a lot of changes. a) During the first five year plan, most important sectors were managed by the governments and public sectors had a very important role to play. b) The private enterprises in many infields were not encouraged and not the number of private unaided (self-financing institutions were very few) c) Since the flow of foreign capital was restricted, Most of the educated person was employed in government officers and the technical graduates were employed by the state owned public welfare department, State Electricity Board and Railways. d) Demand for technically qualified persons was not high and show the engineering education was not the ‘first preference among the school toppers’. e) During the four decades education in foreign universities was not considered as a viable alternative by the middle income and upper middle income group. f) Even among the schools, students did not have a higher preference for English medium or matriculation board and show the government funded schools were enough to cater to needs of…show more content…
They had the money and the willingness to pay for education of their children. Parents thought that English medium education as a pre repressive for oversees education and employment. Slowly education started becoming a commercial undertaking. All that is required by the parents was given by the school including transportation of the students from the door steps of the house to the corridor of the schools. Exclusive transport system is developed to each school. Each schools are started offering their own packages starting from swimming pool, the gymnastic, computer education, the elocution context and music to multi level learning. The new packages begin to attractive that the parents started choosing the schools, and distance from home to the school was never considered as factor. Schools with better packages were able to charge a higher price. In a country like India, where talents are available in plenty, the private schools started in employing teacher for gymnastic, sports, music, violin, Dance, Fine Arts to what

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