Case Study Toyota

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P By Asfand Shaheen (27261) Bilal Tariq (30924) Bisma Mudassar (30972) A PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Course of Principles of Management Ms. Umme Sumayya DATED: July 18, 2016 S.No CONTENT PAGE NO 1. Acknowledgments 3 2. Presentation of Fact surrounding the case 4 3. Identification of the key issues 5 4. Listing of Alternative Course Of Action that could be taken 6 5. Evalutaion of Alternative Course Of Action 7 6. Recommendation of Best Course of Action 8 7. Answers Of The Case Study 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research report is dedicated to our family, friends, and professors for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout our life and academic pursuits. First, we would like…show more content…
Performing on these measures, Toyota should aim for growth in three business units, namely, “solutions” in the areas of supplies handling equipment, logistics and textile machinery; “key mechanisms” in the fields of car air-conditioning compressors and car electronics; and “mobility” in the domains of vehicles and engines. 6) To support consolidated management on a global scale, Toyota should boost the power of the workplace and diversity in the use of human resources, and strive to cultivate global human resources. 7) In addition to placing top priority on safety, Toyota should thoroughly implement compliance, including fulfilment of laws and regulations, and actively participate in social contribution activities. 8) Toyota should aim to support industries and social substructures around the world by continuously supplying products and services that anticipate customers’ needs in order to contribute to stimulating a compassionate society. 9) Overall, Toyota has outclassed industry over the past five years and gained market share. A shift toward smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, which Toyota can manufacture at a relatively low price, will support growth in the United…show more content…
What lesson can be learned about organizational culture from this? Answer 2 : Question 3: Do you think it was important for Mr.Toyoda to apologize for the company’s decision’s? Why? (Think in terms of the company’s Stakeholders.) Answer3 : As the company’s stake holder, it was important for Mr. Toyota to apologize for company’s decision. Because at that time he was the president of Toyota motors corporation. And as a stake holder he can be internal or external to the business and in future it will effect the Profit of the Organization. Question 4: What could other organizations learn from Toyota’s experience about the importance of Organizational Culture? Answer 4: There are numerous definitions of an organizational culture. However, the basic idea it refers to a group of values, beliefs and behavior’s that are created and maintained by the organizations leaders and carried forth by the employees which differentiate one organization from another. The thing which other organization could learn from Toyota experience about organizational culture is that, ”The culture of the organization is that they interact and get the best out of the

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