Banking System In Pakistan

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1Introduction: Today there is very strong competition among all the organizations in the world. Those Organizations who want to sustain in such condition needs to have best human capital because everyone knows that the success of any organization depends upon the Efficiency and performance of its employees. The Managers should have to constantly review the strategic resource of an organization. Various arguments have been made during last previous years that human capital is the source of firm’s competitive edge (Ferris, 1999). Organizations are thinking about how they can achieve their goals. For the achieving the goals of the organization there should be competent employees of the organizations. The success of any organization depends upon…show more content…
Same is the case with Pakistan. Banks perform various duties which are dissimilar in nature. The primary and most important duty is to provide a safeguard for national assets. Other functions include profit making from the public funds (on interest rates) and lending of money to the borrowers. The whole of the economy and financial transactions are carried out through banking institutions these days. Banking system in Pakistan is one of the sectors which have developed a lot in the past few years. Pakistan today has a very good banking network in all over the Pakistan comprising of a State Bank, which is a federal entity and has a central role in the banking sector of Pakistan. State bank has a very wide range of various private and national commercial and other banks that deal in specific areas such as consumer finance, agriculture and other financial institutions. State bank also regulate banking sector through its policies and physical inspection. However Banking System of Pakistan has adopted rough and tough…show more content…
I am working on Banking Sector of Pakistan Secondly all the work is done using quantitative approach. There is one dependent variable that is employee performance and independent variables are job satisfaction, job commitment, motivation, on the job training ,off the job training, workplace environment and I am determining the impact of off the job training, on the job training, workplace environment on employee performance considering the Mediating variable as employee satisfaction and employee motivation and job commitment it will also help the developed employees of both local and multinational organizations working in Pakistan can help in many ways like increasing productivity and help employees to increase their motivation and level of commitment. The dependent variable employee performance is generally specified as the commitment towards the work and towards the organizational goal. 1.3Aims and objectives: This study primarily aims to study the impact of organization culture on employee performance. Following are the objectives of the study:  To examine the impact of On the Job Training on Employees Performance.  To check out the Relationship between off the Job Training on Employees Performance.  To verify the impact of Work Placement Environment on Employees

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