Road Traffic Literature Review

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LITERATURE REVIEW (TALK ABOUT THE LAWS THAT SUPPORT THIS PROJECT) INTRODUCTION In recent years, there have been moves to raise the speed limits of HGVs on single and dual carriage ways from 40mph to 50mph and 50mph to 60mph respectively in a bid to boost the functionality of the freight industry which plays a major role in the development of every country’s economy. Some of the other reasons put forward as to why a change in the limits are necessary are: To reduce the congestion set by speed limits and unnecessary cost to vehicle operators To reduce the number of accidents caused by dangerous overtaking To reduce the periods spent on roads by HGV drivers Reasons were also given as to why the speed limits should not be increased. Some of…show more content…
ROAD REGULATIONS Regulation 40A of the Road Traffic Act 1988 introduced by the Road Traffic Act 1991 states: A Person is guilty of an offence if he uses, or causes or permits another to use, a motor vehicle or trailer on a road when: the condition of the motor vehicle or trailer, or of its accessories or equipment, or the purpose for which it is used, or the number of passengers carried by it, or the manner in which they are carried, or the weight, position or distribution of its load, or the manner in which it is secured, is such that the use of the motor vehicle or trailer involves a danger of injury to any person. (Penalty = £5000 + 3penalty points and disqualification). A person is to be regarded as driving dangerously if it would be obvious to a competent driver that driving the vehicle in its current state would be dangerous. In determining the state of the vehicle for this purpose, regard maybe had to do with anything attached to or carried on or in it and to the manner in which the attachment is carried (Penalty = 2 years imprisonment for dangerous driving and 10 years imprisonment if it causes…show more content…
Simply put, they monitor a parameter of a system. They can be active or passive and can be classified based on physical phenomena (mechanical, thermal, optical etc.) or based on measuring mechanism (resistance sensing, capacitance sensing, inductance sensing etc.) Specifications for a sensor Accuracy: this is the degree of conformity to the true value of a quantity under measurement. Resolution: this can be defined as the largest change that can occur in an input without a corresponding change in the output Sensitivity: Repeatability STRAIN GUAGE A strain gauge is a device used to measure the strain of an object. It is the sensitive element in load cells and is usually made of etched foil patterns which are glued to a bar or any other tensionable material. The resistance of a common piece of wire will change slightly when placed under tension. These wires form a strain gauge when arranged to maximise this effect. In a load cell, the strain gauge is placed in such a way where when the cell is loaded, the gauge is strained thereby leading to a change in its resistance. The change in resistance is very small and would require sensitive circuitry it measure it

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