Essay On Leaving Your Job

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CHAPTER 4 – THE PLAN: LEAVE YOUR JOB WITH YOUR HONOR AND DIGNITY INTACT “A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” — Brian Tracy, Canadian-American self-development author, and motivational speaker When you are all ready to quit your present job ON YOUR OWN TERMS, it will be inevitable! It will only take you a matter of time, and your transition to a new employment will be running smoothly sans obstructions and difficulties. DECIDING TO GET OUT Prior to making your decision to quit your job, be definitely sure that you have arrived at the right decision. However, when you are not completely sure about leaving your job, what then should you do? The most prudent way to begin your decision-making process for your resignation is by…show more content…
Be sure that you have enough savings at your bank or other sources of income to manage your exit plan financially. Despite struggling with the hatred of your current employment situation, you might reconsider your options of hanging on to it, as well as your regular paycheck. You can always begin searching for your new job before you resign. Note, the old adage does hold true: “It is much easier to find a new job when you are having a job!” As soon as you have finally decided to quit your job, it is noteworthy to resign from your job as gracefully as you can. Exit with honor and dignity. You may never know; you may want to opt coming back to where you once left. The only real question left for you now is, ‘how do you maneuver and navigate yourself and your career journey professionally without having to burn your bridges?’ PLANNING YOUR GRACEFUL EXIT Regrettably, several people do not always terminate their tenure with their respective companies as satisfactorily as they have started to join. Your key here is to start with the ending in
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