Data Warehouse In Tesco

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Q1. Data and Information available to Tesco (make reference to the products , locations and operation Company Profile Tesco, Britain’s current major grocery store (Retail Economics, 2014) and the current second largest retailer in the world behind Wal-Stores in the Top 25 ranking of retailers in the world ( Supermarket News, 2014). With an international headquarter in the United Kingdom; the company currently operates almost seven thousand stores in two continents and a workforce of around five hundred thousand people. In order to reach out to its large customer base, a range of purchasing channels such as, which consist of two independent e-commerce platform ( and were created. In addition to being…show more content…
The main objective of the project will be the ability of Tesco to harness data from existing transactional databases in all Tesco stores around the world. Information obtained from the warehouse using different techniques such as data mining, optimisation, and forecasting will available to different users such as the business analyst, decision makers. Tools such as dashboards, metric indicators, and reports from different categories of Data Marts and Cubes connected to the enterprise data warehouse at the main office in the United Kingdom will be deploy for use. With various organizations, taking advantage of the large amount and varieties of data generated from different sources and from third party organizations. With big data, data warehousing , data mining and improvement in business intelligence tools, Tesco will be able to shift focus from operational information about products, customers, logistic information and move focus to finding hidden relationships and patterns that exist in the generated data that are available for decision-makers to help in making effective and timely…show more content…
Li (2005) writes that data warehouse is an aspect of business intelligence that converts data into actionable information supporting management decision making.Data warehousing according to Ferguson (1997) involves obtaining data from different sources and the management of such data in an ‘’integrated, query-only database.’’ For Devlin (1997) data warehousing means a complete and reliable data obtained from a multiple sources available to end users in a way they can interact with the information thereby resulting to the effective use. A broader perspective adopted by Inmon (1995) who argues that the concept of data warehousing as ‘’a subject-oriented, integrated, time-varying, non-volatile collection of data in support of the management’s decision-making processes.’’ Of all the different definitions of data warehousing, the most widely cited and modified is Inmon’s definition. The following are the characteristics of data ware housing based on Inmon’s (1995) definition of data warehouse. Subject-Oriented: A data warehouse is design base on key individual entity involved in the enterprise. Examples are products, customers, and

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