Road Safety Literature Review

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is divided into several parts that will explain more about the theoretical parts on the pedestrian road safety in creating a safe journey to the community. The first part will explain on the definition of Pedestrian Road Safety, history development, the process involve in Pedestrian Road Safety, and the benefits of Pedestrian Road safety itself in creating a good and efficient pedestrian road safety for the community. On top of that, the second part will explain on the guidelines and characteristics of pedestrian road safety audits in which it may concerned on the basic principles, the elements in Pedestrian Road Safety and the method uses in completing this pedestrian road safety. In addition of…show more content…
Hildeband E. & Dr. Wilson. F. (1999): “Road safety audits is a formal procedures for independent assessment of the accident potential and likely safety performance of a specific design for a road or traffic scheme whether new construction or an alternation to an existing road”. (Hildeband E. & Dr. Wilson F, 1999) According to Kanellaidis. G & Vardaki. S (n.d), a Road Safety Audit (RSA) is formal examination of a future road or traffic project or an existing road, regarding its crash potential and safety performance by an independent, qualified team and it most effective when applied in the design process. RSA goes beyond the regular checking of projects safety by the designer and should be applied as common practice at various design stage. Apart from that, the history development of this Road Safety Audit is important to know because it defines from where the idea of this RSA are being develop from day to day. Then, this Road Safety Audit (RSA) was first introduced in the United Kingdom in the early 1990s and then gradually spread internationally. It is a system whereby outside experts conduct safety assessment related to road construction. (Masayuki Hirasawa, Motoki Asona & etc,…show more content…
It is essential to provide signals that are phased and timed to allow senior citizens, children, and pedestrians with disabilities, who are generally slower than other pedestrians, adequate crossing time. Words on signals, and signs should be visible to pedestrians of different heights (including both adults and children), large enough for those with vision impairments to read, and their messages should be simple to understand. Signs and signals should meet current accessibility guidelines. Photo 2.10 : The example of pedestrian warning sign assembly in fluorescent yellow green Source: 2.4.6 Signal Push Button Within business districts, main streets, and other areas with substantial pedestrian volumes, a pedestrian signals phase should be automatic. In areas with fewer pedestrians, pushbuttons may be used to reduce delays to vehicular traffic. Pushbuttons shall be a minimum of 2’’ across in at least one direction. The force required to activate the buttons should not be greater than 5 pounds. It is desirable for pushbuttons to offer confirmation that the button has been pressed. Photo 2.11 : Pedestrian PushButton Source: 2.4.7 Stripe

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