Advantages Of Internet Of Things

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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to briefly explain the advantages of internet of things, various fields where IoT can be used and how to geographically locate the school vans based on the parent request . The internet of things is appearing as the third sign in the development of the internet. Internet of things (IoT) is looked forward to have a large impact on consumer products, business and wider culture, but these are still early days. Internet of things give its strength for very wide applicability to almost all sides and aspects of business. IoT as a whole is a very broad area. This paper focuses mainly to its adoption to our personal use and homes. The study of current leading companies in the market and technologies driving the same. Importantly based on analysis of present consumers thoughts about the new smart devices, carves out of the potential opportunities to bring down the struggle of internet of things. INTRODUCTION:…show more content…
School vans get stuck in traffic jam and parents worry when their children reach home late and it has become a major problem nowadays. When we have digitization in geographically locating the school vans that can be sent to parents based on their request to the drivers that’s called combining innovation with
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