Republican Views On Abortion

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What is abortion? Abortion is when the doctor gives a pregnant lady a pill and it kills the baby. The Republicans have a strong belief that abortion is wrong. They believe that all unborn children have the right to life. According to the Fourteenth Amendment, the right to life is guaranteed to all Americans. The Republicans have a tax for the people who choose adoption over abortion and it's meant to help the ones out who adopted them. They're working at the federal level to stop funding towards abortion and make new health care plans that stop covering abortions. The Republican party is trying to stop even thinking about having an abortion and how they plan to do that is to go to schools and fund teachers to talk about sexual transmited diseases.…show more content…
Taxes are when the people contribute to state revenue. Taxes are a big thing to the Republicans because the government relies on the taxes so much. The big thing is they believe that all Americans have the right to buy, sale, invest, and prosper. They believe that all business relations are very important because it is what keeps this country running. Republicans also opposed to the federal government having control of any industry.They feel like the government can pick who is the winners and losers of the marketplace. They also believe that inflation is a tax and it's there to punish the ones who wish to save money. It really hits the seniors who live on a fixed income every month and that's just not right they worked hard for what they got. Republicans also believe that small business are the backbone of this country and they shouldn't be as taxed as much because it's hard for them to make it with such high…show more content…
On the other side of things they do everything they can to catch or keep the illegal ones out of this country. They know how much they do for this country by wealth wise but if they would just come in the country legally there wouldn't be a problem. The Republican party tries to keep up with all the people that come from other countries to try to ensure safety for all of us. They realize that if they provide amnesty it will increase the illegal immigration but they came up with a plan to make they pentiles a lot stricter if they try to come here illegally. What is military spending? Military spending is a budget set out by the national government. This is a big topic to the Republicans and it has been for a long time now. It seems like the Republicans spend more into the military because if you look at the past presidents till right now the spending went up and down a lot depending on what party was in office. The article said” that the Republican party believes in an increased military defence
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