Flanders Research Paper

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Much of the art work being created in Flanders during the 17th century was strongly influenced by the baroque art being done in Italy. However, one particular style of painting was unique to Flanders. This style was the “art collection” painting. An “art collection” painting is a painting if an idealized space where all of the art works an owner had, could be shown off in one location.1 The demand for these painting was great influenced by the economy and social structure of Flanders prior to the 17th century. First off, “art collection” paintings were paintings that showed all the works of art an individual had painting into a single room. These paintings were a way for patrons to document and display all of the artistic and scientific treasures they owned. Patrons saw the “art collection” style as a way of immortalizing their collection and wealth. 2 With a painting that showed their whole collection in a single image, the patron was able to show off their entire collection at once.3 In reality the patron’s collection would have been spread between different…show more content…
Some of the most popular were Jan Brueghel the Elder and Willem van Haecht.6 These artist painted galleries for many high profile patrons. One of Willem van Haecht’s most famous gallery paintings, was that of Cornelis van der Geest’s gallery (Fig. 1). Geest was a wealthy spice merchant from Antwerp. Geest like to use his wealth the support the local artists of Antwerp.7 Haecht painted a 100 by 130 cm, oil painting in 1628, showing all the works that Geest had in his gallery. In the painting Haecht paints small, yet recognizable versions of the famous paintings Geest owned. In bottom left corner of the “art collection” painting, Quentin Massys’ “Madonna and Child” can be seen (Fig. 2).8 Along the back wall, one of Geest’s most prized paintings, Rubens’ “Battle of Amazons,” can be recognized (Fig.

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