Kalwun Evaluation

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The service selected for evaluation is the Child Protection program at Kalwun. The purpose of this service is for child safety Service Centre staff to actively participate in departmental decision making and being available for consultation, this is done by delivering the relevant cultural and family advice on the child protection needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child or young person. In the child protection program they have a number of twenty staff member’s (Kalwun Development Corporation, 2015). The service context at Kalwun provides culturally appropriate health care to local Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander community. The child protection program service at Kalwun is located in two different locations one being…show more content…
This is due to concerns from a lack of understanding about the evaluation process (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, 2008). Evaluation can often produce results that do not endure for analysis, which makes it difficult for people to comprehend. This ‘bad practice’ therefore cannot be justified. If evaluation is not taken earnestly we are not doing ourselves justice, or to the organisation, the staff or volunteers (Hoggarth & Comfort, 2010). One of the debates of evaluating human services is that ‘evaluation is too complicated’. Often there are times were program managers or stakeholders will decline the suggestion of conducting an evaluation. This is because many do not understand how to do it or do not know whom to ask for help. It is fair to say the technical side of evaluation is complex; the evaluation process is basically a structure of what most programs managers or stakeholders already do on an informal basis. Another example of such debates include is evaluation increasing the burden for program staff. As well as evaluation producing negative results which can leas to information that will make the program lose funding or look bad (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation,…show more content…
Constructing monitoring systems and having a clear vision of evaluation at the beginning of the program will help review and design its intentions and gain a better prediction of resources needs in the future. This allows the organisation to distinguish where they may have gone wrong to have the envisioned effect or even if they had an unintentional impact, whether it is positive or negative (Rational and benefits of monitoring and evaluation, 2010). There are many program planners who seem to have difficulty in developing program logic. This includes making the links between ends and means, and causes and effects. One of the major issues in program logic is developing meaningful goals. Therefore, a realistic approach in indicating goals is to work backwards as a way to set the program’s proper goals (Owen & Rogers, 1999). This can be done in order to help the ‘developers’ see as possible program

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