Planned Parenthood Research Paper

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Nya Moore Mr. Kegley HST- 4th 28 September 2015 Founded in 1942, Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a non-profit organization that works to educate the population in the topics relating to birth control, family planning, and reproductive healthcare. Planned Parenthood has played a major role in the creation of various contraceptive methods and reproductive rights. Over the past few months, an anti-abortion group released a video about Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the selling of fetal body parts from fetuses that were aborted illegally. As a result, there's been discussion about the possibility that the federal government will defund Planned Parenthood; many politics like Obama are even willing to shut down the government in order to ensure that Planned Parenthood still gets funded.…show more content…
Overall, studying the fetal body parts has lead to many breakthroughs and different discoveries in our society. Without the research used from aborted fetal tissue, different vaccines, such as the pollio, would have never been yielded. Continuous research of the fetal body parts can also lead to other health benefits like being able to prevent miscarriages and fix various genetic mutations at early stages. The funding of Planned Parenthood and whether or not they should be giving abortions has become a hot topic for debate in the 2016 presidential run. Many from the democratic party believe the federal government should continue its funding for the program. Women’s rights would not be advocated by the defunding of the healthcare organization. Majority republicans however not only believe the government should stop funding Planned Parenthood, but also make abortion
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