Reflection Of Education

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela (BrainyQuotes, 2016) Introduction In relation to the quote mentioned above, my teaching experience allows me to consider education as a very fundamental tool which helps people to succeed and face the challenges with the intention of bringing changes to the course of their life. Through Freire’s words in Gadotti and Torres’s (2009) work, I presume that education allows people to make optimal use of the knowledge acquired through exchange of ideas, socialization, teaching and research, to achieve better prospects in life. People get to learn to think more significantly and differently on their own experiences and find their place in this contemporary…show more content…
They are also able to come out of ignorance to grasp knowledge and also change the dominance aspects of human beings into enthusiastic principles. Therefore, I expect my students to get the freedom to express their views and feelings fearlessly, which can make them aware of their own strengths and weaknesses. In such a way, freedom is being considered as one of the essential features of a democratic education system. Considering Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (2011), I believe that my students will be away from socio economic prejudice and disparity. Hence, being free from oppression, I can see them becoming more dynamic towards accepting challenges during their learning process as they will be able to surpass all the barriers of the society for instance differences in gender, culture, religious beliefs, personal experiences as well as social surroundings. But, since nowadays teachers are still working under oppressive conditions, even now they are embracing a narrative character, through which they are only relating their lessons to fill the minds of students with lifeless contents which are completely disconnected from…show more content…
But, I am well prepared with realistic lesson plans to help my students grasp their daily course materials as I feel that, being experts in unearthing their own information, they tend to find quicker ways of learning rather than focusing on academic development as well as critical learning and active citizenship at school; therefore I often make the students use their own proficiency with the current technology for better possibilities. Besides, I think that the use of technology especially the Internet in class actually brings effective changes to the teaching and learning phase of students as well as their teachers as it brings innovative ways of enlightening each
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