The Importance Of Media

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In terms of the research on media contents’ influence over the public, spiral of silence and agenda setting concepts are important to mention. According to spiral of silence approach which is described by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, individuals are afraid to tell their own opinions with a fear of isolation from the society in the face of widespread opinions. Likewise, when the individuals realize that they have the dominant opinion in society, act with a faith to say their opinion. Subsequently, when the people with dominant thoughts talk more, other individuals tend to enter into silence. In this sense, the trend that makes opinions dominant has a tendency to grow rapidly. Dominant view is also often learned through media (Severin and Tankard,…show more content…
The concept is seen as a set of topics in a dynamic interaction. For instance, Kurdish problem, right to wear headscarf for the women students, minority problems, LGTB rights and press freedom...etc. have been the main agenda items in the post-1980s of Turkey. In this sense, just as the individuals have tasks in priority to do each day, societies are in need of priority for the solution of the problems. While individuals are creating their own sorts for the priority of the tasks, media has the main function in making the priority on the solution of the society’s problem. In relation with this, media’s affect can be seen as how the settled agenda is being on the politicians’ agenda for the solution of the problems. In this sense, prominent issues on the media were perceived as important in the minds of the public, therefore the effect of agenda setting could be seen by forcing the politicians either by vote or popularity to make some actions on these priority issues, (Yüksel,…show more content…
However, the role of the politics, subject offer and the role of media advocacy, the effect of sudden events, public relations activities and interaction between the mass media in the forefront (Yüksel, 2001). In addition, framing approach is important to analyse the agenda setting notion. For attracting the people in a desired way, a selection of the topics were made with a certain connotation in the framing approach. In this sense, a case definition is made by the media with how the subject matter would be discussed (Mutlu, 1994:35). Because the format of the presentation of the issues in the media includes how the public would look at the events or a picture, namely how they will see, consider and evaluate the topic. In this sense, framing is seen as a tool for detecting, identifying, diagnosing and naming the information and events by the people as well as for making the subject considerable by the media afford to pay attention to some causes in some cases (Dearing and Rogers, 1996:71). In this sense, frames presented in the media content guide the people how to
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