Case Study: Why Should I Study Nursing Overseas?

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Should I Study Nursing Overseas? Introduction Critical thinking is an essential process in daily life since it allows people to participate in deliberative and self-determining thinking. According to Joe Lau (n.d.), it is used to qualify our thinking procedure by understanding and identifying the vague concepts, evaluating and discussing the related debate. In this assignment, I would like to illustrate and evaluate the critical thinking skill I have applied in my daily life with a decision-making experience. I would firstly describe the chosen event, and then apply the critical thinking strategies into the case. Next, I would discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using those strategies. Finally, I would reflect on my decision. Daily Life Experience I had struggled whether I should study nursing overseas or in local…show more content…
In my opinion, even though abroad studying can allow me to experience their culture, future career is more important as studying overseas can also act as a hurdle in my working career in HK. Moreover, I understand that there are many ways to experience their culture, such as traveling after using the “backward” problem-solving strategies. Advantages and limitations of reasoning strategies The advantages of inductive reasoning include observation allows different conclusions, which combine with the wrong consequence. Hence, it allows us to learn from mistakes. Feedback can be obtained from the evaluating process and discussion, or even further exploration on the expected conclusion (Fereday, & Muir-Cochrane, 2006). Yet, in other words, inductive reasoning cannot draw an absolutely correct conclusion since it is only reached by your observations. Moreover, the strategy would limit your thinking since you may formulate a hypothesis in your observation (Jordan, n.d.). To overcome the limitation, I suggested to gathering evidence to prove our conclusion by expert opinions or literature

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