Essay About Local History

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Local history is the study of history in a geographically local context and it often concentrates on the local community incorporating cultural and social aspects of the past. Historic plaques are one form of documentation of significant occurrences in the past and oral histories are another. It is often documented by local historical societies or groups that form to preserve a local historic building or other historic site. Many works of local history are compiled by amateur historians working independently or archivists employed by various organizations. An important aspect of local history is the publication and cataloguing of documents preserved in local or national records which relate to particular areas. Definition of Local History The term “local history” is not as simple as it might first appear. Conventionally, local histories have been thought of as writings about a town, region or state written by an amateur writer for a local audience. Since the late nineteenth…show more content…
It advances from memorizing names; dates and places, to the desire of knowing what was being said about people, places or events. It gives a better sense of realism. It’s a body of information that can be relevant to the readers’ own surroundings. The subject matter of today’s learning institutions should not be isolated from the matter of life. The community and its institutions can be a laboratory for learning and the while community provides a sense of immediacy and reality about both the past and the present.It is a fact that there is local history everywhere, but we know little about what it is, how it was practiced, and who the practitioners are. Keeping in view of this the present study makes an attempt to study the local history of Anantapur district under colonial rule. It is the crucial period of transition from traditionalists to modernity in the history of this region of the
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