Reflection Of Education In Education

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Education becomes a fundamental thing for a person in improving science, with the educated it will back up the level of maturity of a person is thinking and acting good of all affairs. according to Ki Hajar Dewantara (1989), Education is an effort to promote character (character, inner strength), mind (Intellect) and children's body in harmony with nature and society. Tri Joko (2014) in Edgar Dalle that education is a conscious effort undertaken by family, community, and government through guidance, teaching, lifelong school and out-of-school training to prepare learners in order to play their performances in various environments permanently for the foreseeable future. Apart from that, education is to educate the life of the nation, on the…show more content…
A curriculum that makes all Indonesian children dizzy. I think the 2013 curriculum is very difficult, the previous study time is only 2 hours can now reach 3-4 hours. Assessment is also obtained from all aspects, not from the test scores alone. In the curriculum 2013 students are required to be active in the classroom, students are also required to find their own material. In the current curriculum, such teachers become "unemployed", teachers come to class, give new material without explaining it to their students first. And the task given to students is also not easy, mostly looking on the internet. Learning materials are too heavy, so the study time in school is too long. I think there are advantages and disadvantages of applying the curriculum 2013. The advantages with the globalization of education in Indonesia must follow the times. The disadvantage of this curriculum change is too sudden, a few years ago have changed the current curriculum change again. In addition, the methods and learning materials were changed a lot. Maksimus Masan Kian, According to my opinion, Implementation of Curriculum 2013, impressed forced. One Example We Can Raise, Today is July 17, 2014, where the New Academic Year 2014/2015 was begun, the teacher's books and also the student's books are not yet in school that will apply the Curriculum 2013. It's strange ... Because it is absolutely true that to operate the Curriculum 2013, there must be a Master's Book and Student's book. That's just one simple example that makes people dare to conclude that the 2013 curriculum impressed

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