Race Day Research Paper

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As I pull up to the chute, I see all the guys that I’m about to race against. Hi. I’m Alec and I’m the driver of the number thirty five racecar. I race at the Coles County Speedway in Charleston IL and in this essay I thought that I would tell you about my first time racecar competition. On my first race day, I woke up around ten o’clock and went out to the shop around noon. By the time we got the car ready it was about three o’clock and we then went straight out to the track. Suddenly, on the way to the track, it started to rain and I started to freak out thinking that the track might get closed due to rain. Thank goodness they didn’t cancel the races. Instead they had a rain delay and once the rain stopped they got started again. While we were making some adjustments to the car, my dad and I heard a really loud noise. When I looked behind me I saw a car flipping in mid air. I looked at my dad and he said that I would be fine as long as I…show more content…
He was working on it when I drove past him, getting ready to go out onto the track for my hot laps. That’s where I check out the track and the car. The next thing I knew the flagman was flagging me to come out onto the track. Once I got there, all of my worries went away. I was focused on driving and being consistent. I also thought about what I could do to my car to make it a faster car. The last thing I thought about was how I could improve my driving style and become a better driver. Once I saw that green flag drop, it was, “game on.” When I was finished with my hot laps I went back to my pit spot and made a few adjustments. Then I walked up to the track to watch a race or two and then went to get ready for my first heat race The heat races are pretty important races because they determine where you will start in the final event of the evening, the feature
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