Education Assessment System

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Recognizing the need to improve the current system, the Malaysia Ministry of Education (MOE) has made and welcomes effort to review the current education and assessment system. This assessment reform heralds the idea of humanizing assessment. The government intends to create an assessment-friendly environment where it will become part of the teaching and learning process. The proposal presented at the International Forum of Educational Assessment System states that the new proposed educational assessment reform should focus on assessment of learning and for learning, use various assessment methods to gather data about students’ development, performance, and achievement (holistic assessment), assess both the products and process of learning,…show more content…
But, it does not stop only there. (Tan and SitiHajar, 2015). Later, Malaysian MOE released the Preliminary Report of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 that so evidently emphasized HOTS in three core aspects of education: The written curriculum, the taught curriculum, and the examined curriculum (assessment), in 2012. All these initiatives which were done by MOE are one of the ways to enhance effective teaching of HOTS among educators in Malaysia. One of the excerpts in the Malaysia Education Blueprint…show more content…
Assessments are now widely administered as means to improve teaching and learning. Specifically, it may also be seen as an everyday, on-going part of teaching and learning in the classroom because, students are constantly in need of information concerning their achievements. Assessing the academic achievement of every student is an essential part in order to develop or enhancing their higher order thinking skills. By conducting assessment, teachers’ therefore could identify necessary adjustment that need to be made in order to ensure students are able to master what has been taught. Since assessment is considered pivotal in the teaching and learning process, teachers are required to base their decisions (instructional, grading, and reporting) on some knowledge of student attainment of and progress towards desired learning outcomes (Cheng, Rogers, & Hu

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