Essay On Population Growth In Malaysia

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All the population in every country is committed to achieve a better and higher standard of living. Every single individual wish to have adequate amount of food, good health, literacy, education, being employed and better income in their lives. The current rate of population growth is a crucial barrier to the achievement of these goals. In Malaysia, the nationality of its country was only given to the child whose the both parents are Malaysian and dual nationality in Malaysia are prohibited. Population growth is one of the dominant concerns of today world as human population is growing at an alarming rate and is not a static factor. The resources on the earth remain constant in spite of the mushrooming growth of the population. In view of this, the capability to sustain the development today has become a great challenge to mankind. The birth rate…show more content…
According to Department of Statistics Malaysia (2016), the distribution of population from the view of age groups in 2016 shows little difference as compared with 2015. Population for group 0 to 14 years old decreased by 0.4percent. In contrast, the population age of 15 to 64 years old and population aged 65 years old and above both increased by 0.2percent. In addition, the life expectancy of Malaysians has also shown an increased in 2016. Based on the Malaysians’ Life Expectancy (2016), the Chinese was recorded to have the highest life expectancy at birth. Other than that, the fertility and mortality rates of Malaysians both show a gradual declines from year to year. From the view of social norms, an increase in the number of women who are marrying at a later age and faced with new challenges in child rearing causes the fertility rates to decrease. Meanwhile, if mortality rate is declining, it will contribute to a positive population growth and vice versa if mortality rate is in an

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