Qualitative Method

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This research will employ qualitative analysis. The reason behind the use of quantitative approach is due to the small of participants that will be interviewed and observed which is required in the construction of a generalization for the population (Suphat Sukamolson n.d.). According to Zawawi (n.d.), quantitative method provides for a neutral answer with little biases due to the nature of this method which is usually numerical while adding that it is economical and limits time consumption. Data gathered can be easily compared and analysed (Evaluation Methods Tip Sheet, n.d.). 3.2. RESEARCH POPULATION There will be 2 types of population involved in this research. One would be the younger generation of Sikhs and on the other hand, the adults…show more content…
It has been described as one of the most attractive cities in Southeast Asia, a city rich in history, with delightful old-world charm blended into 21st century modernity. The city centre contains a number of attractions within walking distance of each other.Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, Malaysia’s largest state, is simply unique. The residents of Kuching (pop. 600,000 approx.) enjoy living here, and take great pride in their fascinating city, a pride that is reflected in their attitude to visitors. Kuching welcomes visitors warmly, but it does not put on an act for them. Instead it goes about its own business in a relaxed manner that hasn’t changed in 150 years. It is impossible to really enjoy Kuching from the air conditioned comfort of a tour bus. Kuching’s city centre is well preserved and very compact; virtually everything that is worth The narrow, bustling streets are crammed with shops selling all manner of goods, from the mundane to the exotic. There are ornate Chinese temples, many fine examples of colonial-style architecture, a beautiful waterfront and a number of interesting museums, including the historic Sarawak Museum.. © C & D Design AdvertisingKuching has an unusual name - the word means "cat" in Malay. There are a number of stories as to how this name came about, but it is unlikely that it has anything to do with cats. The two more likely explanations are that it derives from the Chinese word kochin, meaning "harbour," or that it is named after the mata kuching or "cat’s eye" fruit, a close relative of the lychee that grows widely
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