Qualitative Approach In Research

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Research Approach: Since the main objective is to study and understand the perception and practice of the business development, a qualitative approach is selected. The qualitative research will match the purpose of the study in terms of types of questions, objectives from research and context of the research. The qualitative research will allow questions such as “Why?” and “how?” (Marshall, 1996) ‘as experienced by individuals themselves, in their natural context.’(Malterud, 2001, p. 483) which is very important in this study. Moreover and as explained by Malterud (2001, p. 483) “qualitative research methods involve the systematic collection, organization, and interpretation of textual material derived from talk or observation” and as submitted…show more content…
This will be a mix of convenience sampling since ‘there is an element of convenience sampling in many qualitative studies’ (Marshall, 1996, p. 523), but with an element of judgment sampling through active selection of interviewees using a pre-selection criteria to the best of my ability. The top management figures would mainly be the chief executive officers, general managers, marketing directors and chief strategy officers. The second stage will involve the use of semi-structured in-depth interviews. ‘Semi-structured in-depth interviews are the most widely used interviewing format for qualitative research’ (DiCicco-Bloom B & Crabtree B, 2006, p. 314). This stage will aim ‘to uncover the underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes and feelings on the topic’ (Malhorta N, Baalbaki I & Bechwati N, 2013, p.185) from a sample that is actively working with Business Development as their main role. This method was selected because it creates freedom by allowing the questions to be asked in any order and the depth in each question can be selected depending on the interviewee. (Malhorta N, Baalbaki I & Bechwati N, 2013, p.185). Another reason for choosing the in-depth interviews is that it will be the most suitable to be able to interview professional people who are unlikely to reveal the information in a group setting (Malhorta N, Baalbaki I & Bechwati N, 2013,

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